Vogue 8480 is a coat I began right after SWAP finished. I have since worn it and worn it.
I loved the pattern from the first time I saw it, but did not like the idea of a double breasted coat on me. I like to have the option of wearing my coats open. I bought the pattern during a sale and, after seeing the amazing
Erica B's version, decided to take the plunge and attempt a single breasted version of it. The fabric is a teal stretch denim that works beautifully with the SWAP teals. Taking a hint from Ms. B, I lengthened it by four inches. I am happy with the results although I wonder if I should have lowered the pockets when I added the length. The construcion would allow this to still be done quite easily, so I might drop them an inch or two in the end. I have picked up some soft khaki cotton sateen that I plan to make in the same pattern. I am going to lower the pockets on that one and see if I like it before I get back to this one.

I also removed some of the flare from the sleeves, just in case I ever wear it eating soup somewhere.
On a darker note. I ordered some books from Amazon.ca for my birthday at the end of April. They have taken forever to ship and now the website is telling me they were delivered and I do not have them! I keep checking the veranda for them, but no box awaits me.