Wow, it has been a while since I have posted at all!
The qualifiers for the World Championships have been going on all over North America so it has been very busy at work. I mean 7 days a week, 12 hours a day for about seven weeks. I think I deserve a holiday!
I have been sewing up a storm, just not for me and mine. The entire time I work I plan my personal sewing. It is kind of like dangling a carrot before the donkey, so I always think of it as my carrot sewing. I should be able to start some next week and am very excited about it.
I should probably clean my house first, but chances are I won't until I have at least cut something out. Where to start? Christmas dress for Maisie? Camo jammies for Leo? Desperately needed winter coat for moi? Four foot tall appliqued nutcracker wall hanging for my sister?
I think I had better start with something simple, like a top for me!
Black New Look Jacket
2 days ago